Case Studies
Learn to Earn is often approached by organisations and individuals to be used as case studies in doctoral theses, forums and workshops etc.
In 2012 we were used as a case study for the Trickle Out Research Project. Trickle Out is a research project funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) examining social enterprises and environmental enterprises in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project considers the role and potential contribution of such enterprises to sustainable development and poverty alleviation. The project is based in Queen's University Management School, Queen's University Belfast.
In addition to our association member's research published by Learn to Earn. We have also worked closely with Ashoka and the International Labour Organisation. For the latter we did a large research project in 2009, on a 'Community Analysis of Social Enterprise Development in the Cape Flats area, Western Cape, South Africa', using the methodology and systems we refined through our own research projects we have conducted.
We have also partnered with the UCT Graduate School of Business in their annual research regarding GEM, The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in 2009.